girl swimming underwater with stingray
girl in chair

Meet Rava Ray.

Rava is a half-American and half-Tahitian artist currently living in Moorea, Tahiti, where she raises her two children on coconuts and sunshine. Rava has always been an artist, making beaded bracelets when she was little and creating dance costumes out of leaves and flowers when she became a Tahitian dancer.

“Nature inspires my work the most. I like to contemplate how shells grow, how plants communicate. I even build fantasy stories around those types of questions then portray them in my art.”

Rava says, "Art was how I filled my spare time. I love long-boarding and Tahitian dance. I also love to sing and play the guitar."

girl dancing in water
girl dancing in water

“For me, the perfect Environment to be creative is when I am alone and when I have no time limit. Having to put works in progress on pause over and over again is frustrating for me.”

girl reading book
girl lounging
girl floating in water

“I like to sit with my materials and let them tell me what they want to become.”

girl smiling on blanket
girl sewing

"Though shells are my favorite, I primarily work with fabric to create Tahitian Tifaifai Blankets."

girl in wedding dress

Featuring Rava’s hand sewn custom Tifaifai Wedding Dress

girl sewing blanket
girl with flower in ear

“My favorite piece is a necklace I made for my children out of cone shells. I spent many years collecting the shells on Tahiti and Mo’orea before being able to put a necklace together for them.”

girl with birds

"My favorite medium to work with are shells. I find them already mesmerizing. I just want to find a way to pay homage to them in my art. Plus, I love the experience of foraging for them."

girl leaning on car, girl on canoe, girl posing
girl swimming with stingray

"What does strait. state of mind mean to you?”

“It means to slow down and take care of our island the way it takes care of us.”