Emerald fern covered peaks, shrouded in mist, rise up from the sea.

Crystal water slips like silk over your body as you submerge, enveloped in its embrace.

Salt dries in glowing white flakes on your skin as the sun shows its full power.

The scent of fragrant tropical blooms carried on the trade winds transform even the simplest of moments to poetic. Every sense is satiated and slowing to become present in this bliss.

3 girls walking through the trees on the beach
Makeshift shelter on the beach
girl sitting on beach chair
girl sitting under shade on beach
girl in yellow floral bikini top drinking a coconut with a beaded necklace on
girl walking on shoreline with coconuts
girl standing on beach holding shell in a black bikini bottom
girls laying on the sand tanning


Here you are connected to your breath, your soul, your essence. Here your heart beats in time with the soft waves bathing the sand- melodic, peaceful and washed afresh with each surge. Here your sounding board is the sea, the land your warm embrace, and its people your roots. Here you are unhurried and unhindered. Here you are truly free.

girl driving truck
girl in red bikini and straw hat hanging on the back of the truck bed with surfboards in the back strapping in
girl in back of truck with boards
girls in superette
girls waiting for drinks at the counter
girl looking in car mirror
girl leaning on truck looking to the side in bikini
girls sitting drinking smoothies in bikinis and denim
girls waiting for drinks at the counter
2 girls in bikinis in the back of a truck
girl leaning with arms up on the side of the truck in a bikini with a shell necklace checking the ocean, looking through the window of the truck


ISLE is an invitation, a window into the essence of our island way of life. It’s an escape into blurred timelines, bare feet and untethered dreams. It beckons you from your every day into a mindset without limits.

Each piece reflects the beauty that surrounds us. From bold red hibiscus to earthy palms, our prints, colors and textures mirror the splendor of the pacific and its mystique. This is the palpable feeling every time you slip into Strait. Timeless, effortless everyday art for your journey. A reminder of the power, presence and unbound possibility you embody.

3 girls butts with fish
girl hugging and laying on palm tree over the ocean
girls sitting on beach with shade shack and boards